My three adorable nieces came over last night to our place for the first time. I was hoping that they would like it, but the opinions of four and seven year olds can be unreliable at best. One minute they are all about you and the next minute you are chopped liver. I should not have been surprised when my niece succinctly stated, “Lisette, I miss your old place, I like your old place better. You know the large deck and the view of the lake, it was really fun to be out there and play”. Oh, a stab to the heart and reminder of what Cameron and I already knew and felt about our old place, is that indeed it is in some ways better. Feeling insecure about her feelings I found myself asking, “You are still going to come over and visit right?” rest assured she promised me that she would still come even though this place is not as cool.
My three adorable nieces came over last night to our place for the first time. I was hoping that they would like it, but the opinions of four and seven year olds can be unreliable at best. One minute they are all about you and the next minute you are chopped liver. I should not have been surprised when my niece succinctly stated, “Lisette, I miss your old place, I like your old place better. You know the large deck and the view of the lake, it was really fun to be out there and play”. Oh, a stab to the heart and reminder of what Cameron and I already knew and felt about our old place, is that indeed it is in some ways better. Feeling insecure about her feelings I found myself asking, “You are still going to come over and visit right?” rest assured she promised me that she would still come even though this place is not as cool.