"It does not need to be my birthday in order to feel special" were the words that rang in my head yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I had a great day and we did a lot of fun things, but it could have easily been just been another day, let me explain....... All families are good at different things, but mine is good at making me feel special, this trend has continued by marrying Cameron. It does not need to be my birthday in order to be able to pick where we go for dinner or what we do, these things happen more than once a year and for that I am grateful to all who go out of their way daily, weekly, or monthly to make me feel loved, special and wanted.
But as all good birthdays have there was cake, candles, singing and spending time together in addition to a pumpkin patch, shopping and a movie.

Cameron never wants to just smile, he likes to pose......

and pose....

and pose.....

and pose.....

this is what i call his "politican" pose, where does he come up with this stuff?

Since we have annual passes we like to head up the Space Needle whenever we get a chance. We were in the neighborhood, so I was able to open my birthday card at the observation deck.

Having dinner at the "Kitchen Table" at Buca de Beppo's with the family.