In June, we celebrated our fourth anniversary,

spent every possible Saturday hiking to lakes,


and overlooks.

In July, we celebrated the fourth by hiking in the morning and watching fireworks over the Golden Gate bridge in the evening.

In August, we headed back to the beach for more camping,

celebrated my very first art show,

took in some Mariner's games,

jet skied on Lake Sammamish,

and kayaked in the Puget Sound.
In September, we started the Fall off with a bang by spending time in New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont.
The food was delicious,

and the scenery was breathtaking.

In October, we did not slow down by celebrating my birthday and Halloween.

Thanksgiving lead to more festivities and time with family and friends.

In December, here we are back where we started, hiking

and snowshoeing.
Merry Christmas everyone, we hope 2010 will bring more cherished memories and countless blessings to you all.