Just when we thought Winter was over, it gave us one final punch to make sure we still knew it was around. We received almost two new feet of fresh snow up at Snoqualmie Pass and just had to get up there to enjoy all its powdery goodness. I try my best to pack healthy snacks when we are hiking around and this particular sticker seemed totally appropriate that was on my Cutie.

In order to get a picture of both of us, I like to make a makeshift tripod with our ski poles, then I have to run in my snowshoes to get in the picture. It makes for some funny moments at times.

Glimpses of blue sky makes my heart flutter with happiness.

We were able to get out early enough in the day to make fresh tracks in the snow, which was both exhausting and exhilarating.

If you have never been snowshoeing I encourage you all to give it a try. It is a one time investment which provides hours of good exercise and fun in return. You really can feel the burn the next day when you tackle one steep slope after another or you can take it easy and stick to the flat open spaces.