Rattlesnake Ridge, June 2010
As I paddled past the expansive yachts, boats and elaborate houseboats, I did not feel a tinge of jealously nor malice I was without one of these items. Given the fact that we live in a culture perpetually obsessed with being young and having more, it may sound contradictory to state I enjoy getting older and I like having less, but let me explain. With each passing year I have become more self assured and loving towards myself, thus the diminished need for things to define who I am. I am more apt to try new things, as a result I am more apt to fail. I know better than to count each calorie of what I eat, but rather enjoy the pure and simple fact that all in all I am healthy.
There is a song we have been listening to lately whose chorus says, "how lucky we are" and I feel that more today than anytime thus far in my life. Is everything in my life perfect or is everything occurring according to plan? Far from it, but I have the wisdom to recognize just how lucky I am each and every day. Everyone searches for the recipe for happiness, unfortunately one does not exist, but if it did I bet the secret ingredient would be a large quantity of gratitude....................
and a yacht wouldn't hurt either.

One way to feel small is to set out in a kayak and have a large vessel create a mammoth wave for you to navigate through.

The endless personalities of the houseboats I am convinced speak to the varied lives of the owners.

One of the true joys of the Pacific Northwest is our busy waterways. Whether by kayak, canoe, powerboat or seaplane. Watching the seaplanes take off and land is truly remarkable, especially from a kayak.

Mahi Mahi tacos dockside at
Agua Verde. The perfect Summer lunch time setting.
Refueled by tacos, we headed to
Rattlesnake Ridge for a little R & R. Too bad every ridge we went to someone else had the same idea too.

There are good places to lay in the sun and then there are great places.