Cameron and I dated four and a half years before we were married. Over that period of time we wrote countless letters, emails and cards to one another. Cameron has meticulously saved these items along with printed out various emails through our courtship. Having these items makes me so happy I married a sentimental man.
Fast forward twelve years, to this technologically savvy society we live in and the notes and cards have become more of a rarity. Although most of our correspondence is done electronically, every once and a while a treasure like this pops up.
Many months ago my husband sent me this photo. I keep it on my desktop and refer to it often. I know it took moments to create, but I love the juxtaposition of the neon text against the natural setting. Most importantly, I love the sentiment. Over the past year, I have taken solace in the knowledge that not only our marriage, but our family is eternal or 4 EVA.
When the going gets tough who or what brings you peace of mind? And for the fun of it, a few photos of us doing what we do best.....having fun together!