A little bit about Lisette.....

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest I feel most alive surrounded by trees and breathing in the fresh mountain air.

When I am not working you will most likely find me spending time outdoors, volunteering with my church and exploring this beautiful planet with my family. 

This is my place to share my passion for life and to encourage you to take time to find the extraordinary in your life.

What I am grateful for: a loving spouse

What I am grateful for: a loving spouse


The source of (almost) everything good in my life stems from the loving relationship I have with one tall, handsome, good natured man. Our hopes, wishes, fears and dreams are woven together to create our beautiful life. Oftentimes, we think the same thoughts or know what the other one is thinking without saying a word. Sometimes it feels as though we share the same heart or brain. 


If you know our love story then you know I proceeded with caution when we were dating. Giving my whole heart to someone took time and feeling like he deserved it took even longer. I was not an easy catch, I made him work hard to win me over. Frankly, most men would not have been up for the task, but once he won my heart there was no going back.


The moment I realized no man could ever love me more or exhibit greater devotion toward me was when I decided I wanted to marry Cameron. My dreams are his dreams. My happiness his happiness. He believes in me even when I do not believe in myself. He loves the broken, sad parts of me as much as the happy and confident parts.


Cameron is steady, constant and true, and I could not ask for a better friend, partner or confidant. Being privileged enough to be loved by Cameron means I will always be given the best portion of him; his largest smiles, his kindest words. Each and everyday I thank God for our enduring love. If I never receive another good thing going forward I will still be the most blessed woman in the world for being loved by him. We are not perfect, at times we disagree or get on each other's nerves, but we are perfect for each other. 


My life reminds me of the quote, "A happy family is but an early Heaven" There are many things we currently don't have, but when we focus on what we do have we realize we are blessed beyond measure. 

What I am Grateful for: a supportive community

What I am Grateful for: a supportive community

Holiday Gift Idea: Homemade Bark

Holiday Gift Idea: Homemade Bark