A little bit about Lisette.....

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest I feel most alive surrounded by trees and breathing in the fresh mountain air.

When I am not working you will most likely find me spending time outdoors, volunteering with my church and exploring this beautiful planet with my family. 

This is my place to share my passion for life and to encourage you to take time to find the extraordinary in your life.

A small town Fourth of July

A small town Fourth of July

For the first several years of marriage we hosted a big party for friends and family on the Fourth of July. We would have a bbq and then watch the fireworks down the hill from our home, but over the past few years we have gone camping, been out of town or done our own thing. Hosting any kind of holiday can be busy and stressful, so it has been nice to be able to take a step back and not have any real expectations for the day other than being together. This year we watched a parade in Twisp, went raspberry picking, ate ice cream and ended the day watching the fireworks over Lake Union. At the start of the day we did not have any real plans, but by the end we were tired, happy and dirty. All signs of a good Summer day!

If I had to choose one word to describe Jasper it might just be "friendly" Jasper has the amazing ability to make everyone from the trash collector to the cashier at Target or the postal worker feel like a million bucks. Jasper's approach is simple: he locks eyes with you, smiles and eagerly passes out fist bumps and high fives like they are going out of style. Once the parade started and I quickly realized safety vehicles were the bulk of the parade I knew Jasper was in for a treat. For the duration of the parade he furiously waved his flag or his hand and made certain to show equal love to everyone. He eagerly gobbled up the semi melted chocolate which was thrown his way and even scored himself a Smokey the Bear hat as a souvenir. When you are small, cute and friendly the world is really your oyster and although I had never really thought about it before, parades are really Jasper's jam. 

Keeping watch for the next vehicle to roll down the street. 

The best part of a small town parade is how we were able to find parking and grab a seat mere minutes before the parade started. Makes you think twice about braving the crowds in the city!

The highlight for everyone, but Jasper was when the firetrucks sprayed down the crowd. Jasper was terrified and everyone else was going nuts. 

After the parade we came across the firefighters and their trucks. Older gentleman, especially anyone even remotely resembling Papa are Jasper's favorite people on the planet. Jasper knows they will get down to his level and talk about trucks ALL. DAY. LONG.

On our drive home we like to stop at Cascadian Farm for blueberry or raspberry ice cream. This time we timed it just right and were able to u-pick raspberries. Aside from the intense sunshine and heat (anything over eighty degrees for us PNW folk), we managed to pick a few pounds and for the next few days were really delighted we did. 

His little face says it all, he loves himself some berries. 

And just like his Dad, he is turning into such a funny guy!

Lopez Island

Lopez Island

Copper Glance Lake

Copper Glance Lake