A little bit about Lisette.....

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest I feel most alive surrounded by trees and breathing in the fresh mountain air.

When I am not working you will most likely find me spending time outdoors, volunteering with my church and exploring this beautiful planet with my family. 

This is my place to share my passion for life and to encourage you to take time to find the extraordinary in your life.

Hiring a photographer on vacation

Hiring a photographer on vacation


I recently read of a new trend on the rise; hiring a photographer while on vacation. Although my initial reaction was how absurdly extravagant, the more I got to thinking about it the more delighted I became at the very idea of it. If ever there was someone passionate about good photos it would be me. So before you envision your own personal paparazzi creepily following you around consider the notion of no more bad selfies. More importantly every person you care about actually being able to be in the photographs. Even though vacations for me are about eating too much and sleeping too little, I might actually reconsider and book a photographer for our next European adventure. 

In the meantime, here are a few more shots taken by me from our adventures in Long Beach, WA. 

Would you ever hire a photographer on vacation?

Weekend at Sleeping Lady Resort

Weekend at Sleeping Lady Resort

Cooking class at The Pantry

Cooking class at The Pantry