A little bit about Lisette.....

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest I feel most alive surrounded by trees and breathing in the fresh mountain air.

When I am not working you will most likely find me spending time outdoors, volunteering with my church and exploring this beautiful planet with my family. 

This is my place to share my passion for life and to encourage you to take time to find the extraordinary in your life.

Easter egg hunt and luncheon

Easter egg hunt and luncheon

Last week I had the brilliant idea to cohost an egg hunt and lunch with Jasper, for the three little boys his age from church and their Moms. What started as a last minute idea turned into a great way to commence Jasper's life as a host. He was gracious as he allowed others to play with his toys (we've never had anyone over to play before) and when it came time to eat lunch he sat like a big boy at a table quietly eating his lunch. I think he was in such awe of having such dashing lunch companions that he didn't even think to throw his food or his plate on the floor. My heart could have burst with pride as I watched him interact kindly (for the most part) with each little boy. This party was a good reminder how important it is to not put limitations on our children. Jasper did brilliantly in a completely new environment and I foresee a lot more get togethers with this cute little bunch of boys and their mamas. After everyone left I felt exhausted, but pleased to see how even though we parent differently the outcome is still the same- kind, sweet and loving little boys!

At most children's parties it is all about the kids, but I wanted to make the mamas feel special too so I made yogurt, strawberry and granola parfaits, an asparagus tart and a chocolate Easter cake. Each women went home with her own little Easter basket because I have a sneaking suspicion I am probably the one in the group who makes certain she has an Easter basket too.

The boy's spread with included bunny shaped sandwiches, chick shaped cheese and a variety of finger foods. 

Each boy went home with an Easter basket of their own filled with bubbles, a bunny plate, healthy snacks and sidewalk chalk. 

The main event of course was the egg hunt! Jasper had no prior practice or idea exactly what this was. At the start he eagerly picked up two plastic eggs and then walked around wondering to himself why he should put down two perfectly good eggs to pick up anymore. I kept trying to hand him his basket to put them in, but he continued to shake me off like a mother that was in the way. I love my fiercely independent boy. I am happy he has the confidence to do things on his terms in his way. 

This party was the first time he has been given candy. He pulled the Peep out of the egg and gave it a toss, but he seemed to enjoy the small handful of M&Ms he received. I think he is much more of an ice cream man!

I am grateful for the built in network of friends our church provides for us. I am eager to see these boys learn and grow together and form friendships of their own one day. 

An annual tradition: Cherry blossoms at the University of Washington

An annual tradition: Cherry blossoms at the University of Washington

Point Robinson

Point Robinson