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Valentine's Day 2017

Valentine's Day with a little one is a game changer. Typically, it falls during the week which makes getting a babysitter a challenge. Going to fancy restaurants with an active toddler is not as appealing as it once was with a sweet little infant who slept through the entire meal. Early bedtimes often make for quiet evenings spent at home. So instead I have made it a goal to go on a date with my Valentine some time in the coming month. 

Valentine's Day in a box

As my friends have spread out across the globe I find myself wanting to send little surprise packages to them in the mail every now and again. Although distance permits us from seeing each other often, I want them to know I am still thinking of them. For Valentine's Day I thought it would be fun to put together a few packages to send to some of my favorite ladies. I like to think there is nothing more exciting then receiving an unexpected package in the mail and I hope these ladies feel the same way. 

When life changes forever

Sometimes I find myself head down immersed in my own life when out of nowhere something happens and it causes me to pause and look up. Last week we lost a dear friend suddenly. Over the past week, I have spent an inordinate amount of time reflecting on my own life in a way I have not done for awhile. 

Beach day

It never quite feels like Summer until we spend a day at the beach. We met our friends on the first day of Summer for an epic day of surf, sand and togetherness. I am grateful for my friends who were brave and ventured into motherhood at a young age. For us it means we have a whole slew of potential babysitters at our disposal and so many sweet children eager to teach Jasper all sorts of cool things. 

Easter egg hunt and luncheon

Last week I had the brilliant idea to cohost an egg hunt and lunch with Jasper, for the three little boys his age from church and their Moms. What started as a last minute idea turned into a great way to commence Jasper's life as a host. He was gracious as he allowed others to play with his toys (we've never had anyone over to play before) and when it came time to eat lunch he sat like a big boy at a table quietly eating his lunch. I think he was in such awe of having such dashing lunch companions that he didn't even think to throw his food or his plate on the floor. My heart could have burst with pride as I watched him interact kindly (for the most part) with each little boy. This party was a good reminder how important it is to not put limitations on our children. Jasper did brilliantly in a completely new environment and I foresee a lot more get togethers with this cute little bunch of boys and their mamas. After everyone left I felt exhausted, but pleased to see how even though we parent differently the outcome is still the same- kind, sweet and loving little boys!

The company you keep

I have had the privilege of being part of a few friendships which have spanned a majority of my lifetime. One particular friend I met in junior high and we have stayed close ever since. She married young and had children much sooner than I. Now, as her children are reaching a delightfully independent age they are eager and excited to spend time with my little one. I have known these children their entire lives, but seeing them with my son and the excitement and love they exude makes my heart melt. I know it is cliche to say "everything happens for a reason", but I am grateful for all the built in role models Jasper has been blessed with so far in his life. Seeing how kind and thoughtful these two are makes me eager to see all the good they will accomplish in this world. 

Garden Party

Each year the women in our church host a Garden Party. For the past two years I have been in charge of the monthly social activities for our organization, which means I head up a small group of women to make these activities happen. For the Garden Party our theme was flowers, so naturally I spent a sunny afternoon selecting armfuls of beautiful dahlias to grace the dinner tables. It doesn't matter how many times I visit Pike Place Market I always leave inspired by the endless colors and textures of the market. 

Glacier National Park with kids

Boasting over 700 miles in trails, Glacier National Park is one of my all time favorite places to hike. Over the Fourth of July weekend we visited the park with some of our friends and our three small children under the age of five. Rather than our usual 8-10 mile hikes we enjoyed a couple easier hikes, but there was no shortage of beautiful scenery or fun. On our first day we went to Logan's Pass and hiked the Hidden Lake trail. Logan's Pass is a mountain goat research area and the hike was visually diverse enough to keep everyone interested. There were streams, wildflowers, mountain goats, beautiful vistas and plenty of rocks to pick up along the trail.