Out and about with kids: A glimpse of Fall at Snow Lake
We have entered that sweet spot during the year where the Summer crowds have dwindled, the leaves are starting to change and the snow has yet to come. It is a brief interlude between Summer and Winter and one of my favorite times up in the mountains.
Snow Lake changes with the light, which means each time we visit it looks a little different. In the Summer it is almost a turquoise blue and in the Fall it turns to a steely blue.
My guys on the trail.
Signs of Fall everywhere the eye can see.
For the first time ever I carried Jasper the entire way. I was proud of myself for successfully lugging a good fifty pounds up and down the mountain and there is no greater feeling than taking off a heavy pack once you reach your destination. Our bodies are amazing creations and one of the things I like most about hiking is how it constantly challenges my body to push beyond my comfort zone. A long time ago I saw a man in his eighties hiking slowly on a trail. This image has always stuck in my mind and it is my hope to be a hiker for life.
Our little hiker is working hard to build up his own strength. On this particular day, he hiked around a mile and you could sense just how proud he was of himself.
We are teaching Jasper to stop and reach out for our hands on the "tricky parts". In a broader sense, I hope he always feels like he can rely on us for strength and support in his life.
I have hiked to Snow Lake more times than I can count, but it is always makes for a beautiful day out with my family.