A little bit about Lisette.....

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest I feel most alive surrounded by trees and breathing in the fresh mountain air.

When I am not working you will most likely find me spending time outdoors, volunteering with my church and exploring this beautiful planet with my family. 

This is my place to share my passion for life and to encourage you to take time to find the extraordinary in your life.

Out and About with Kids: Orcas Island

Out and About with Kids: Orcas Island

No matter how you slice it traveling with kids can be a bit tricky. Once your child reaches the age where they no longer crash in the car, sleep in the stroller, fall asleep on your back or in your lap there is one thing you can count plan on - the unexpected. Long, leisurely meals turn into "fast as humanly possible" experiences where you ask for the check as soon as your food arrives and usually resort to every last bribe to get you through your meal. Nowadays, when we go on vacation we wake up early, spend hours on end doing simple things like throwing rocks at the beach or exploring forests and between nap time and an early bed time spend a whole lot more time in our hotel room than ever before. The trick to traveling with children is weaving in a combination of fun for the whole family between meals and good moods. 

Traveling there should be half the fun! Jasper loves riding on ferry boats and the hour long crossing to Orcas Island is just enough time to have fun on the boat without getting board. We like to bring an arsenal of crayons, paper and toy cars, but at the end of the day it is the unexpected things which grab his interest like the travel brochures or another little girl on board. 

I would be lying if I said I don't enjoy the unpredictability of children. Every moment I see my son exert his independence a little part of me is fist bumping inside. I want to raise an independent, thoughtful, caring human being who isn't afraid to tell me how it really is. As a parent I am acutely aware of all the things I lack, so I love it when I see how he thinks he is the most adorable, funny, delightful human being on the planet, because well in fact he is!

Jasper is becoming an expert at writing some of his letters. It is amazing to see his little mind grow and expand at such a rapid rate. 

Our favorite places to go are ones where the scenery is the attraction. That way between bad weather and long naps we can create a series of memorable moments on our own timeline. The San Juan Islands have proven to be a wonderful escape for our little family. We have visited at least half a dozen times over the past two years typically for two or three nights at a time. We are able to come back feeling refreshed and getting there ends up being just half the fun. The scenery is familiar, the restaurants are memorable and the people are always welcoming. 

We like to stop at Brown Bear Baking Co. for either breakfast or lunch because they have a variety of soups, pastries and easy things to grab on the go. The only downside is that they do not have a high chair for little ones. 

While we were visiting we got caught in an unexpected snow storm. The snow was so light and fluffy and the scenery so lovely it felt like something out of a movie. Then I heard Jasper repeatedly saying "go home" and reality set in. 

I am savoring every last opportunity to carry my sweet little boy. He is growing at such a rapid pace it is not often he does not want to walk on his own. 

Always ready to lead the way.

When all you need is a stick to make your heart sing!

We enjoyed an afternoon of rock throwing, wildlife spotting and delicious food at Doe Bay Cafe. Their yurts on the bluff caught my eye and have me dreaming of warmer Summer days. 

Beach combing like a boss.

You don't get more picturesque than this. 

Orcas Island is such a wonderful place to visit with your family for a weekend. It has everything from beautiful scenery to unexpected coves to explore. 

A few past trips here, here, here and here

This week's discoveries

This week's discoveries

Weekend at Rosario Resort

Weekend at Rosario Resort