All tagged washington

Dating my husband

Before we had children my husband and I would joke everything we did was a "date". Since having children the word "date" evokes a whole bunch of excitement and anticipation. Since most of our interests revolve around outdoor activities or food, our favorite activities to do when we are childless usually involve going on a hike or going to check out a new restaurant. Jasper has reached the age where he is no longer equally enchanting with long hikes or leisurely meals so we happily plan to do these things without him when we get the chance. Last weekend, we went on our inaugural snowshoeing trip and it was a good reminder to me just how important it is to nurture your relationship with your spouse in all seasons of life. 

It was a snowy day at Snoqualmie Pass so we enjoyed a beautiful hike up to Snow Lake. There is something so peaceful about feeling like you walking around in a snow globe. One day, I dream of owning a little cabin up in the mountains. But until then, our Saturdays hikes will have to hold me over. 

Mount Baker cabin

Nestled amongst a mossy forest, there is cabin high up in the mountains. It is close to a few modern necessities, but with greenery out every window it feels like you are miles away from everyone else. A few stormy weekends ago, we stayed at this cabin and enjoyed an adventure filled weekend in the mountains. Most notable were the homemade treats, cozy fires and experiencing our first snow fall of the season. If you are looking for a laid back weekend where your family can relax and you can skip your list of chores and errands then this is the place. 

My top three cozy weekend getaways

As I type, the rain is falling hard outside my window. One moment it goes from sudden downpour, to a drizzle, and then a sprinkle and back to another downpour. As a Seattleite who has experienced her fair share of rainy days, it should be known we have lots of different names for the type of rain falling outside our window. As I think about the upcoming months, it would be easy to hunker down at home for the next several months, but I have recently discovered it is more exhilarating and relaxing to head away for a weekend or two to hang at someone else's home. 

Gordon Skagit Farm

Fall is not complete without a trip to Gordon Skagit Farm. If I could create a pumpkin patch of my dreams this would be the place. From fresh cider to apple picking and more varieties of pumpkins and gourds than I have been able to find anywhere else. Each year we come here my heart is so full with love for the season I think I smile throughout our entire visit. 

The Farm at Swan's Trail

Last week, we were craving some Fall fun, so we packed up the car and made the trek to The Farm at Swan's Trail in Snohomish. Since I had not done much research before we went, I was impressed with the variety of activities to do and how much fun Jasper and I had. We had so much fun in fact, we made certain to take Cameron back earlier this week. At The Farm at Swan's Trail there are hay rides, gigantic slides, a sand box with trucks and diggers, a corn box (think ball pit but with corn kernels) a rubber duck race, pigs, goats, a cow, a miniature horse, a gigantic inflatable pillow (think trampoline), a corn maze in the shape of Washington state, a pumpkin patch and apple picking. Jasper and I easily spent the better part of the day at Swan Trails Farm.

A weekend in Leavenworth

Last weekend, we headed to Leavenworth for some hiking, a little bit of relaxation, and a much needed change of scenery. Every once and awhile I crave a new landscape, so last weekend we packed up the car and headed east of the mountains. I am always amazed at how different the landscape is just a couple hundred miles away from our home. It reminds me there is so much still to explore in my own backyard. 

The Washington State Fair

It has been an annual tradition to attend the Washington State Fair for as long as I can remember. First with my parents, then with my friends and now with my own little family. At the fair, there are so many things to see, do and eat. This year, the thing which captivated my attention the most was an adorable little boy in a pair of denim overalls. Jasper was such a joy to watch as he "carefully" petted baby animals, danced every time he heard music and rode his very first ride all by himself. There are endless pros to being tall (so I am told) and being able to ride all the rides in the little kid area is definitely one of them. 

Apple Picking at Jones Creek Farm

This past weekend we drove up to Jones Creek Farm for a little apple picking and a scenic drive of sorts. We stopped at Calico Cupboard for lunch and made certain to pick up a couple of toffee bars for the drive home. Once at Jones Creek Farm we pretty much had the place to ourselves. We walked up and down the rows of apples and pears and were almost overwhelmed by the abundance before our eyes. We live in a place where we have access to some of the freshest, most beautiful produce in the country and I believe it is paramount that my son learns where his food comes from. 

What a 90 degree day calls for......

Whenever we get a late start, lack the energy required for an eight mile hikes or are stumped as to where to go we end up at Snow Lake. Although it can be a busy and crowded trail, it is a beautiful hike. Also, the reward of ending up at an alpine lake is as big a reward as you'll ever have when you are day hiking in Washington. A couple weeks ago, when the forecast called for a ninety degree Saturday we knew we liked the idea of swimming in the cool waters of an alpine lake. 

Hiking around Mount Rainier

In the Summer, there is one Saturday I look forward to more than all the others- it is the day we go hiking around Mount Rainier. Typically, we visit Paradise in August when the wildflowers are in full force and our chance of having a clear day is at its greatest. So far this ultra scientific method for picking what day to visit has worked out. Over the past several years we have enjoyed a spectacular day on the mountain. 

Snow Lake in the Summer

Snow Lake is one of our favorite hikes to do year round. The drive to the trailhead isn't too far, the distance on the trail isn't too great and we always know it is going to be beautiful once we reach the top. In early Summer, there are streams which zig zag the trail and waterfalls in the distance. In late Summer, there are wildflowers dotting the trail and in early Fall the colors of the foliage are spectacular. 

A weekend retreat on Silver Lake

Over Memorial Day we rented this cabin through Mount Baker Lodging for the weekend. We had never visited Silver Lake before, but it was such a beautiful property I can foresee us visiting again and again. Although the weather was not fantastic while we visited, it encouraged us to take it easy and recharge after our trip to Europe. After a busy month of traveling it allowed us to get back on our schedules. Despite the weather we still managed to go on a short hike, visited the nearby state park, spent an afternoon in Bellingham and even did a little strawberry picking at a local farm. 

Dating your husband and fostering your own interests as a mother

People closest to me know my idea of relaxation is being active outdoors. Given the choice between doing anything else, I will always choose to be outside.  It is not that I am a fitness fanatic rather I gain strength from fresh air and beautiful surroundings. I love a long walk with a friend, a solo run, camping, and kayaking. Once our son was born and my free time was heavily diminished I quickly realized whenever Jasper spent the night at my parent's I always preferred a restless night under the stars over a good night's rest in my own bed. Although intuitively this did not make much sense, the time spent together devoid of all other distractions strengthened my marriage and in turn my ability to be an even better mother. When you have something good in your life it is important to both nurture it and share it with others. My husband and my children are the greatest blessings in my life and both relationships need to be fostered and cared for. 

Willows Lodge

In the heart of downtown Woodinville there is a wonderful gem tucked away between the winerys and farms called Willows Lodge. My husband and I recently sent our son off to his grandparent's house and stayed at Willows Lodge for a little weekend escape. Once we arrived at the property we were pleased with the calming decor, inviting color palette and impeccable service. Growing up on the Eastside I regularly visited Woodinville, but after moving to Seattle I have not spent much time in Woodinville. In the past, I have never considered vacating the city for a night to relax, recharge and reconnect with my husband on the Eastside. However, now that I have experienced it I not only see the benefits, but am eagerly planning our next weekend getaway. 

A weekend at the Freestone Inn

Before we bid Winter adieu we headed up to the North Cascades to stay at the Freestone Inn for one last hurrah. We spent our time enjoying slow mornings and big breakfasts, snowshoeing, window shopping in Winthrop, and constantly dreaming about one day building a house of our own amongst the stunning landscape. The North Cascades have become our refuge, our go to place when we want a break from the world with a healthy dose of natural beauty and a hearty side of adventure. We have spent many hours hiking the nearby trails and marveling at how we always feel like we have the place to ourselves. We love to visit the Freestone Inn during all seasons, but the Fall and Winter are our favorites. The combination of the coziness of the inn with cooler temperatures makes us feel right at home by the roaring fire.

A day trip to Whidbey Island

When the sun is shining and the hiking trails are still covered in snow we like to spend our Saturdays taking little day trips around the state. In order for it to be a day well spent, we like to eat delicious food, see beautiful or interesting places and spend a majority of our day outside rather than in the car. One of our favorite little day trips is to drive up to Mukilteo and take the ferry to Clinton. From there we make a pit stop in Langley for a little shopping and then onto Coupeville for lunch. After lunch we like to spend the late afternoon at Ebey's Landing or Fort Casey to enjoy the beautiful visitas and breathe in the fresh air.  Depending on our mood and the hours of sunlight left we might drive up to Deception Pass, stop in La Conner for dinner and then make our way home via I-5. On this particular day, we drove back the way we came and took the ferry back over to Mukilteo.  

Volunteer Park Conservatory

Jasper has reached the age where he is super engaged and interested in all the places we go. He is no longer interested in napping in the stroller or being carried in the Ergo so rather than an accessory to my every day he is an active and interested partner in crime. In an effort to capitalize on this period of time in our lives and engage his brain in new and exciting ways I have made it a point to devote two days a week to outings. Living so close to downtown Seattle we have a wide array of interesting places at our disposal ie. parks, outdoor markets, museums, children theater etc. I have decided to invest in a few annual passes and then just try my best to make the most of what is around me. We can only visit the local park for an hour or two a couple of days a week before we are both bored and in need of additional stimulation.