A little bit about Lisette.....

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest I feel most alive surrounded by trees and breathing in the fresh mountain air.

When I am not working you will most likely find me spending time outdoors, volunteering with my church and exploring this beautiful planet with my family. 

This is my place to share my passion for life and to encourage you to take time to find the extraordinary in your life.

The big TWO!!

The big TWO!!


Long before Daphne was born I thought of myself as a “Boy Mom.” To be honest, I really had no interest in becoming a mother to a girl. I grew up with sisters, had lots of nieces, and felt as though I was always around a lot of women in general. Strangely, people would often assume because I am a woman I would want a girl, but nothing could have been farther from the truth.

After our first son unexpectedly passed away I ached for another little baby- a baby boy that is. As my nursery and dresser were filled with boy’s clothes I was delighted when we found out we were having another boy. It was not as if a girl would have not helped fill the gigantic hole in my heart; I just had in my head I was a “boy Mom”. Once Jasper arrived on the scene I delighted in every interest of his which was diametrically opposed to mine. I learned the names of construction equipment, the various makes and models of cars, and noticed every trash truck. fire truck and ambulance for miles. I was in the thick of boyhood and loving every minute of it!


As time marched on I started to doubt whether or not we would be able to have another child and yet still I never cared or longed for a girl. Once I found out I was pregnant again I secretly hoped for another boy. When we found out early on we were having a girl I was a bit disappointed not because I did not want a girl but because I had in my head I was a “boy Mom”.

The moment Daphne was placed on my chest all my fears of having a girl quickly melted away. She would not have to enjoy playing with dolls or want to be a princess she could be herself and I would support her as best I could in that endeavor. So here we are celebrating Daphne’s second birthday where all she wanted was a dinosaur cake, pizza, party hats, and spotting as many motorcycles as she could.


Now we live in a world where she is not a “Tom Boy” but just a girl who likes cool stuff. We live in a world where being a girl means you can not only LIKE but be ANYTHING you want to be. I am proud to be a woman and even prouder to be raising a bright, bold, energetic little lady alongside her brother.

Whenever I am out with her in public people often stop and say, “She is a force” and it pleases me to no end people notice her not for her looks, but for her spirit and her potential. My girl is a force, a flower-smelling, scooter-riding, bean-loving force. And to think I used to think of myself as only a “boy mom”.

Bowline Hotel with Kind Traveler

Bowline Hotel with Kind Traveler

Henna Blueberry Farm

Henna Blueberry Farm